The main purpose is to provide professional advice in the field of energy, energy services, energy management, and the development of a “smart region” for the needs of Moravia-Silesia, its subsidiary organizations, the preparation of the strategy of the Moravian-Silesian Region within the Platform for Coal Regions in Transition, ensuring the development of clean mobility in the Moravian-Silesian Region, and advisory and consulting services for municipalities and the public.
According to § 28a) of Act No. 250/2000 Coll. (the Act on Budgetary Rules for Local Budgets), state-subsidized organizations are required to publish documents:
The above-mentioned documents are published on the website of the Moravian-Silesian Region (Public Administration tab).
Organization Management Specialist
Organization Management Assistant
Specialist in methodological and control activities of organization administration
CVE project Administrative Worker and Junior Financial Manager
CVE project Administrative Worker